Betsy Kent Coaching
Life & Career Coach
Discover Your Purpose!
Take the first step toward a more exciting, purpose-driven life.
You will learn that your purpose is not "out there".
It is inside you!
This quiz makes it SIMPLE to define your purpose.
It gets you UNSTUCK from all the confusing decisions and plans you think you have to make to start living a purpose driven life.
Once you are clear on your purpose, its EASY to decide the rest.
This is the EXACT first step I took.
Since then I have had 3 part time flexible jobs plus I have my own coaching businesses.
If I can do it, anyone can. I know YOU CAN!

Hi! I'm Betsy Kent.
I know exactly how you feel.
I was SURE I couldn't find a meaningful yet FLEXIBLE, PART TIME job and still have time for friends, pilates, tennis and, of course, my family!
I was wrong. It WAS possible.
It all started with recognizing that my purpose was not something that I had to search for.
Give yourself 15 minutes to answer a few questions so that you can