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  • Writer's pictureBetsy Kent


Updated: Nov 11, 2020

If you are hoping to get a new job, whether you are an Empty Nester or New Mom re-entering the workforce, or you are changing your career or even if you are a new grad looking for your first job, the most important thing you need is NOT EXPERIENCE!

Experience and the whole list of other requirements listed in any job description is just the Employer’s way of telling you that they are making the assumption that if you had those things you could produce the work that they need for the open position.

But, what if you could show them that you COULD produce that work they need regardless of your experience or lack thereof?

Imagine a company wants to hire an artist to paint some paintings to decorate their offices. Well, an artist can send his resume and list all the fancy fine arts degrees he has from famous art schools, and/or the many buyers of his art, or even describe the type of art he is good at.

But, what if someone else just showed the company their artwork?

If the company loves it, they won’t care how that artist was able to create that art, what schools they attended or how many previous buyers they have. They just see that the artist can do exactly what they want to be done!

It is the second artist who will most probably get the job.

So what is the lesson here?

Don’t get discouraged or dissuaded from jobs you know can do just because you don’t have the type or length of experience or other requirements listed.

If you want a job or to start a business, just start producing the work that the end user will value and get it out there and show it to them.

For example: For a tech position try a mock up of a website in the branding style of the company. For a writing position write an article for their publication, or a short story or whatever is relevant to their needs. For an events planner, show them your vision and budget for an event you plan for them that will engage their target customers. You get the picture.

This is wonderful news because you get to do the very thing you ultimately want to do, NOW, before you have the job! You don’t need to go back to school or look for testimonials about your past work. You just get to work at producing the kind of projects that the company wants, needs and values.

Even if you don’t get the job, you have still gotten to do what you love, and guess what? You are getting more EXPERIENCE as you go!

So get creative, and get to work, as if your job depended on it!

PS: Don't know what to create because you don't even know what you want to do?

Want to get UNSTUCK on defining your purpose?

CLICK HERE to take my PURPOSE FINDER QUIZ and get started!

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