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Want a New Career Without Starting Over or a Resume?


Do you want to find a flexible, purpose-driven job or project without more school, mind drama, or a resume?


You're in the right place!


Start Right Now with my

 Purpose Finder Quiz

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It’s NOT too late to find meaning and excitement again!


I can help you if you:


  • Feel lost, irrelevant or unchallenged


  • Find it easy to stay busy, but don’t really feel productive or fulfilled


  • Know you have more to offer but don’t know where to start but know you don't want to start over


  • Still want time for family, friends, hobbies and entertainment

Don't know what you want next?

You Think You Need a New Purpose.

But that's not true!

Your job/mission/kids are NOT your purpose.

They are the AUDIENCE for your purpose.


 You just need a NEW AUDIENCE for your purpose!


It is not lost.


It is hiding in plain sight inside you!

You just need to DEFINE it.


Then you can put it into action on


I show you how to get to your purpose driven future NOW with self-confidence, joy, and excitement!


No resume writing, applying online or taking entry level jobs and “working your way up”.



"Betsy wasn't afraid to help me explore things about myself that would hinder me, such as my lack of confidence in myself and my abilities. Her encouragement was a key factor in changing my thought process and trying harder to be the person I wanted to be so I could get a job that was right for me."

- Mary U.

Are you ready to start your purpose driven future?

Start Right Now with my Purpose Finder Quiz!



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